FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – Michigan (June 17, 2020)

Having just celebrated its one year anniversary, Michigan-based nonprofit, Title Track, steps boldly into year two with expanded staffing and a new model of shared leadership!

Jenny Jones, Title Track Development and Administrative Director, continues in an expanded role performing grants research and fundraising, and administrative management and leadership. Elizabeth Wolff expands her role to include a part-time staff organizing position in addition to continuing to serve as a contract facilitator for Title Track’s anti-oppression and cultural healing work.  Mae Beale joins the staff in the newly created part-time role of Vision and Operations Strategist. Having previously served as an advisor, Beale brings a breadth of skills and experiences ranging from executive leadership and nonprofit management to software engineering and process development.

Title Track Co-Executive Director, Holly T. Bird, says, “The expansion of the roles of these wonderfully talented humans represents giant steps forward for our organization and an enormous gift to the communities we serve. I am honored to be working with them all.”

Wolff adds, “I’m grateful to be back in my hometown of Traverse City and partnering with the amazing team at Title Track to build capacity in this region around intersectional and embodied anti-oppression and cultural healing work. I couldn’t imagine a more capable and dynamic organization than Title Track to help steward the personal, cultural, and systemic transformation during this paradigm-shifting time.”

Jones shares, “This past year being a part of the Title Track team has been a wonderful whirlwind of realizations that people in our state are on fire for change and for equity!!  This awakened in me a willingness to push on my own boundaries; to speak up and show up!  Yes, these are times of uncertainty, significant loss, sadness, and frustration….however, joining in collaborative efforts and having difficult yet fruitful conversations can benefit so many and provide incredible clarity.  I learned so much this past year; a lot about myself through this team, which is why I am so pleased to be stepping into a larger role going forward.  Honored and humbled, but ready and willing to do so much more.”

Title Track’s mission: Engaging creative practice to build resilient social-ecological systems that support clean water, racial equity, and youth empowerment

Full recap of Title Track’s first year.