October programming update
Seth Bernard, Title Track founder and co-executive director, with an update on October programming!
Is there a teenager in your life that is interested in creating art and protecting Mother Earth? We’re launching the first online Water Protector’s Training Camp on October 11th (rescheduled to begin November 15!), and we’re looking for participants! It’s 1 zoom session per week for 4 weeks, facilitated by frontline Environmental Justice leaders and professional artists.
Send them our way! Sponsor their registration!
Water Protector’s Training Camp
Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00pm
November 15 – December 6
Opportunity for teenagers to learn with professional artists & activists.
Understanding Racial Justice
Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30pm
October 19 – November 1
Intro course for white folks.
Join us! Help us spread the word! Keep up the good work!!