We’re in it for the long haul.
As we celebrate our second anniversary, join us over the next month as we #StriveForFive and walk through Five Steps to joining the Title Track journey.
As we celebrate our second anniversary, join us over the next month as we #StriveForFive and walk through Five Steps to joining the Title Track journey.
April 22, 2021
Support your local Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)-led organizations. Need suggestions? We can help you with that.
Register for Understanding Racial Justice, encourage your white friends to read and get up to speed, but don’t stop there…get involved in anti-racism efforts in your community.
Creative practice is a foundational piece to all that we do at Title Track. Enjoy some music, art, poetry, or video creations that we have produced or collaborated on over the past year. Check out the archives for The Title Tracks, Collaborative Songwriting for Collective Liberation, and this powerful recent piece from our friend Amber Hasan.
Visit our 2nd anniversary page as we celebrate our second anniversary and highlight all that our community has taught us. Find out what our staff and board have been up to, and how we’re growing and healing together.
Share about what Title Track is doing by visiting our brand new SHARE page. We are in this for the long haul – ready to do the work for Clean Water, Racial Equity, and Youth Empowerment.